Poker Facts

Just for fun, we’ve compiled a bunch of entertaining facts about poker games and poker players that you can use to impress your friends!

Fun Poker Fact #1
Did you know that one of the most famous players in the world is Stu Ungar, who won 10, count ‘em, 10 major No Limit Hold ‘Em championship events, in which the buy-ins were $5000 or higher!

Fun Poker Fact #2
A member of the Poker Hall of Fame goes under the cool moniker of Amarillo Slim…his real name is Thomas Austin Preston.

Fun Poker Fact #3
One of the most famous movies about 5 Card Stud Poker is the Cinncinati Kid, starring Steve McQueen. The hand he lost with was Aces-Full House…

Fun Poker Fact #4
Wild Bill Hickok was a big poker player, in fact, he was shot in the back whilst playing poker – his hand was Eights and Aces.

Fun Poker Fact #5
“Fish” is a commonly used term for sucker in poker!

Fun Poker Fact #6
Two Aces is the best pre-flop hand you can get in Texas Hold ‘Em, and you should always re-raise.

Fun Poker Fact #7
The Poker Hall of Fame was created in 1979, and seven players were enshrined, including Johnny Moss, Red Winn, James Butler “Wild Bill” Hickok and Edmund Hoyle.

Fun Poker Fact #8
The name given to the strongest hand in High-Low poker is The Wheel.

Fun Poker Fact #9
Jack Strauss was the incredible poker player who went on to win the Las Vegas World Poker Championship with just ONE CHIP!!

Fun Poker Fact #10
Poker player Doyle Brunson was the first player to win $1 million in tournament play when he won the 1976 and 1977 World Championships.

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